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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Youth group

I had the opportunity to go and be apart of a youth night. This was amazing on so many levels. The first part of the night was a youth night party I was able to meet quite a few youth during the night. Also they even had me participate in a few games one I had to say everyone in the circle their names. Well these kids I had not yet even meet so I was just making up names. Then they had me put many cookies in my mouth and still be able to say some Latvian word, well I could never say it before we started i think they just looked funny trying to say the word so they had me keep trying . The night was a huge encouragement to be able to meet this kids. The second part of the night was a prayer night from 10pm-6am and kid you not this was double the amount of people than there was at party. There was realistically 70 youth there to pray and be in fellowship with one another how awesome is that!!! The only person who was not a youth was the pastor. The party had around 30 youth so a significant increase. This night greatly encouraged me to see the youth of Riga coming together to pray for 8hours.
Scott put it in a good way by saying we are youth planters instead of church planters. Coming alongside youth groups to help them really become youth groups and this got me excited as well. So like I said before that journey begins, I'm so excited as God is with me on this incredible journey.


Jake Norton said...

Hey Fletch! Good to hear what's going on with you. Man, 8 hours of prayer sounds intense! I'm glad to see your getting plugged in.

Megan Fletcher said...

Hey Nick! Man, it sounds like you are having an awesome time over there!! I'm so glad that you got to be a part of that amazing experience. Gice Jaycee a big hug for me will ya? and give yourself one as well. =] Love ya!!!